Moves from backgammon matches
A set of backgammon moves/decisions from matches played on
Backgammon Galaxy, analyzed by GNU Backgammon. Positions are
the total set of moves from a a total of 309 matches, mostly
3-pointers, played my me against various opponents. It is the
analyses files in text format, parsed into a single data frame,
using backgammon::galaxy2df()
A data frame with 35,536 rows and 21 columns:
- file
name of the original file; may serve as a match id
- date
date of match
- player1, player2
nicknames of players
- game_no
game number in this match
- length
match length (a few unlimited games have the limit as match length)
- score1, score2
match score, player 1 and player2
- crawford
TRUE if this is the Crawford game, FALSE otherwise
- pos_id
position id in GNU Backgammon format
- match_id
match id in GNU Backgammon format
- move_no
move number
- play
the play made, one of "Accepts", "Doubles", "Rejects", "Rolls"
- turn
nickgame of player who made the play
- roll
dice roll, if applicable (NA if this is a cube decision)
- proper_ca
Proper, i.e. optimal, cube action, as reported by GNU Backgammon
- mistake_ca
TRUE if a cube action mistake was made, FALSE if correct cube action, NA if checker play decision
- move_err
The size of checker play error, 0 if no error, NA in case of no move, or cube decision
- cube_err
The sice of cube action error, 0 if no error, NA in case of no cube available, or checker play decision
- board
An ASCII text representation of the board, as displayed by GNU Backgammon
- cube_eq
An ASCII text with the cube decision equities, as displayed by GNU Backgammon
- move_eq
An ASCII text with the checker play decision equities, as displayed by GNU Backgammon
- xgid
eXtreme Backgammon position identifier, xgid